Monday 30 August 2010

A country I had like to visit…

In this time I share with you my personal wish of traveler like a globetrotter that I would like to become. I want to reach make it real in the future. This wish is to visit India. Really I wish not only to visit because truly I like know every corner of this country.
India has a estimated population of 1.160 millions. It is the second country most populated of the word! I think that the metropolis Calcuta, Bombay y Delhi should be amazing. On the other hand, India has been becoming a global power lately. I think this is because of the big number of population.
The main reason for this election is that I think in this country like a mostly exotic population in various senses. First, I consider very interesting the religiosity and more specifically the spirituality of this people. Second, It always called my attention the fact of being in a high population countries and the sensation of I felling lost between people quite different from me but at the same time feel me close of this other peoples. Third, I know that gastronomy of India is very special and tasty.

Monday 23 August 2010

The first term of the 2010

This time, I will share with you my experience during the first term of the present year. That semester was a stressful time because in that occasion I had to take a total of nine subjects for my discipline.
In general, I really had a little time for dedicating to other things that were not related with my student`s responsibilities of fourth grade in the career of Archaeology, but I do the possible for don´t sick my mind with the great number of tasks.
For obtain my purpose of don`t fall in the stress I was day by day clear my mind and I was only though on what I do the next day. For this I try of not to though in was coming.
However, I consider that the subjects most interesting was Archaeology Theory III because this subject show me the ethics aspects of the my discipline and I consider that is very important when the archaeologist face up to with a society in general or a particular community owner of their cultural heritage. For example, is very delicate the theme of the mummies because this corpses is property of the community, this corpses was their ancestors.