Wednesday 10 November 2010

Chile 2010: our country in the bicentennial year

On September 18 of 2010 Chile celebrated its 200 years of independence, or if you prefer a republic life of our country. This date marks a landmark milestone in our history like a nation: the beginning of the process that would lead us to be an independent nation.

The Bicentennial of Chile has been an important date, a cause for celebration in that advertising reminded us that all those who inhabit this long and narrow strip of land, we Chileans.

Phrases such as the need to celebrate with grandiose that we as a nation and we need to remind our selves that we have achieved over the last two hundred years. Since the policy was proposed as the crucial moment to reflect on our national history about "what we did right and what must change and improve in the coming years".

In the latter case, the men and women of the national politics always reminded us that the Bicentennial would give us that opportunity to be proud of who we are as Chileans and the typical phrase "dream the Chile we want to build for future generations.

All speeches enlivened our September stressed the positive values of the country above all sad and dark spots of our history.

Then, it seemed important to reflect on these lines on these statements and our national reality. For this I draw your attention and ask if Chile 2010 is:

· A country that rescues, values and respects their identities? … If there is still discrimination against ethnics minorities that live in our country
· A free and democratic country? …If failures continue to occur in Chile to freedom of expression and whether the media should represent multiple views are held by dreams that represent the economically most powerful country. On the other hand, our police is a body of repression in conflict as delicate as the theme of the Mapuche conflict.
· An integrated and diverse country?... If sexual diversity issues the church is still an entity that stops any discussion of this type.
· A country that promotes a culture of tolerance and non-discrimination? ... If the Chilean schools if the problem of bullying us is taken as a matter of education and deep reforms.
· A equitable country? … If education has not yet been resolved in a way that all Chilean children have equal opportunities to access quality education that allows them later to enter Higher Education and navigate the world as professionals.
· A country in harmony with the environment?... If there are still major ecological disasters.

In Conclusion, I feel that I will could continue doing to myself questions like this, but see the problems is only the tip of the iceberg. So we not surprised us with our chaotic reality bicentennial.

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