Thursday 4 November 2010

Christmas Times: my fovourite festive

Since I was a little, Christmas celebration has always been my favorite! Not just that I like much the specific day that celebrates Christmas -each day before December 24 or the day that corresponds Christmas: on December 25- . So I prefer to say that I love Christmas times. I love this time of year: that's why I love Christmas.

In general, I was celebrated this day at home with my parents and the extended family. In my home is very important it is clear, visually, it is Christmas times. I mean especially important is the issue of home decoration.

Too is also very important to the theme of Christmas dinner. Generally is an issue that is discussed well in advance. Always tries to prepare something special for that night. The most important thing is that we all participate actively in the preparation of food and how they are reinstalled on the table. It also sets the order in which they served, it is important to respect the dinner.

It is very important that at 23:45 o'clock we are all ready, after dinner. So that we, the children, are ready to take a walk around the neighborhood traditional to see if it sees any sign of the mysterious old man somewhere.

The return of that walk, around mid night, all gifts are arranged around the Christmas tree. My older cousin is a person who always makes the reading and delivery of gifts. It's a mess! … And later is worse because children begin to play and the whole house is like a war had occurred.
It's very funny everything: think we had a great preparation, taking care of decoration and hours to finish everything in a huge mess and noise.

1 comment:

  1. hi Ari...

    the christmas times is nice, but it isn't my favourite celebration =P
